Catholic Women Preach
CMN Board Chair Mary Novak offers a reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter that illuminates restorative justice practices with the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.
CMN Board Chair Mary Novak offers a reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter that illuminates restorative justice practices with the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.
This Good Friday, join us in praying for the 15 people who have been executed since Good Friday 2020 and for an end to all executions.
In November 2018, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) released its long-anticipated pastoral letter against racism, Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love. This prayer closes the letter. It is a call for Catholics and all people of goodwill to combat racial injustices with love and unity.
In this homily, Fr. William Kelley, S.J. provides us with an inspirational call to understand how we, as Catholics, can uphold the dignity of all human life, regardless of circumstance. This comes in light of the recent, and unexpected July 25, 2019 announcement from the Department of Justice that it will resume executions at the federal level for the first time in sixteen years.
This prayer card is a short, simple reminder of how deep the harm of crime reaches. Join us as we pray for all those affected by crime.
Take part in a new prayer initiative created by Eric Williams, a current Texas death row inmate. Every Friday Evening at 8:00 PM Central, death row inmates around the nation are invited to pray the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary "in unity of purpose for an end to the death penalty, the intentions of those inmates currently on death row, and overall prison reform."
Inspired by the need for mercy in our society, this prayer vigil includes reflections on scripture and intersections for all those in need of healing. Centered around the call to end the death penalty, this vigil can serve as a thoughtful prayer tool in those times leading up to and in the aftermath of an execution.
Click the "resource attachment" link below to download this PDF.
Below is an excerpt from an address Pope Francis gave to the Delegation of the International Commission Against the Death Penalty on December 17, 2018.
This prayer serves to remind us of the unconditional opportunity for redemption that, as God's children, we all share. Pray it alone or with others in community, asking God to "sustain our pursuit of reconciling justice, that we may model Christ's compassion and mercy with our lives."
On August 2, 2018, Pope Francis made a historic revision to the Catechism of the Catholic Church which declared the death penalty "inadmissible" in all cases.
In response to that call, people of faith are adding their names to the National Catholic Pledge to End the Death Penalty, and working to build a culture of life.