It is frequently said that core values undergird restorative justice. These values represent the ways we aspire to live in right relationship with one another.
Often, a restorative process will begin by the group naming and agreeing on a set of values that they aim to embody during the time together. The word cloud below is composed of values frequently named in restorative justice literature and practice.

“It cannot be emphasized too strongly that process and values are inseparable in restorative justice. For it is the values that determine the process, and the process that makes visible the values.” (Center for Justice and Reconciliation)
Reflection Questions
Which of the values above are most meaningful/significant to you personally?
How do you see them relating to your faith and/or Catholic teaching?
What core values shape your ministry’s approach to restorative justice? Which do you feel is/are among the greatest areas of need in ministry/society?