Where Justice and Mercy Meet
Through scripture, prayer and conversation, this group reflection takes participants on a journey down the road of justice, mercy and forgiveness. While particularly appropriate for Lent, this examination of the story of Dismas is an appropriate resource for exploring the theme of true mercy during the jubilee year.
"Where Justice & Mercy Meet - A Retreat Experience for Teens" has been produced by Wayne Hipley and Anna Bradley to introduce high school-age youth to basic concepts and ideas of Catholic Church teaching as it relates to the death penalty, restorative justice, mercy and forgiveness.
Do you plan on incorporating the death penalty issue into your high school curriculum? Are you looking to add "Where Justice and Mercy Meet" to your reading list? This study guide provides educators with discussion questions and homework assignments to accompany our award winning book.
Many of Catholic Mobilizing Network’s resources rely on strong small group facilitation strategies. Successful group facilitation is not the easiest or most intuitive process for many people. Those that do it well have often developed their skills over years of facilitating many types of groups. For those relatively new to group facilitation or someone looking for new ideas our “Facilitator’s Guide” presents tips for facilitators as well as practical ground rules for group discussion.
This day of reflection workshop for groups of "tweens" can be used in its entirety, or in part for more limited time frames. It introduces youth to restorative justice concepts and the healing of relationships where bullying is an issue.
“Restorative justice” repairs the harm caused when a crime is committed. It is a community-centered approach to justice that views crime as a violation of people and relationships, rather than simply a violation of law. Restorative justice focuses on the victim’s needs and the offender’s responsibility to repair harm and foster healing.
In this session teens are led through a process to help them understand the differences between justice, mercy and grace - and how these concepts are ones that require considerable thought and attention.
Padre Misericordioso,
Te pedimos que bendigas todo lo que hacemos para
construir una cultura de paz. Escucha nuestra oración
por los que afectados por la pena de muerte.
Oramos por todas las personas, para que sus vidas y su
dignidad de hijos/as de un Dios amante de la vida sean
respectadas y protegidas en todo momento
y en toda circumstancia.
Oramos por las víctimas de la violencia y sus familias, para
que nuestro amor las sostenga y encuentren conforto
en tu compasión y en la promesa de vida eterna.
This bilingual resource to assist those planning prayer vigils in states where condemned prisoners are to be executed. Although it is specifically worded for a vigil on the night before or day of a scheduled execution, it is easily adaptable to other times.