Alabama intends to execute Jamie Mills on May 30 for the murders of Floyd and Vera Hill.
At this time, Jamie's legal team has requested that no action be taken on behalf of Jamie. This decision was made as part of the legal strategy implemented to defend Jamie's life.
We ask that you join us in praying for Jamie, his victims Floyd and Vera, and all people impacted by his acts of violence. We also invite you to pray for Jamie's legal team, and all those who love him.
A Prayer for Justice by Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ
God of Compassion, You let your rain fall on the just and the unjust.
Expand and deepen our hearts so that we may love as You love,
even those among us who have caused the greatest pain by taking life.
For there is in our land a great cry for vengeance as we fill up death row,
and kill the killers in the name of justice, in the name of peace.
Jesus, our brother, you suffered execution at the hands of the state,
but you did not let hatred overcome you.
Help us to reach out to victims of violence so that our enduring love may help them heal.
Holy Spirit of God, You strengthen us in the struggle for justice,
Help us to work tirelessly for the abolition of state-sanctioned death,
and to renew our society in its very heart so that violence will be no more.
New evidence has recently emerged demonstrating that the state's key witness who implicated Jamie Mills in the murders of Floyd and Vera Hill was given a plea deal to ensure her testimony. At the time of the trial, the state insisted that no deal had been struck.
What has been discovered is that JoAnn Mills was promised that if she testified against Jamie Mills, she would be given a plea deal to accept a sentence of life with the possibility of parole. Prior to this deal, JoAnn Mills was also facing charges of capital murder for the deaths of Floyd and Vera Hill.
Over the course of the last 17 years, Jamie Mills has asked the state 15 times to reveal the plea deal made with JoAnn Mills. The state denied each time. Only recently was evidence revealed by JoAnn Mills' lawyer that the state told the court that JoAnn Mills had nothing to gain from testifying against Jamie Mills.
In light of this new evidence, Jamie Mills has asked the state to reopen his appeal.