After Connecticut's repeal of the death penalty in 2012, the Catholic New Service published an article about the Connecticut Bishops' strong support of the repeal. Here is a portion of the article:
"Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy signed into law a bill outlawing the use of capital punishment in the state. The law, which takes effect immediately, makes life imprisonment without the possibility of release the highest punishment possible in Connecticut. The death penalty could be carried out, however, in the cases of 11 prisoners currently on death row in the state.
Hailing the signing as a 'historic occasion,' Archbishop Henry J. Mansell of Hartford said, 'The Catholic Church opposes the death penalty and has been fighting for its elimination for many years.'
Michael C. Culhane, executive director of the Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference, noted that Connecticut now becomes the 17th state to abolish the death penalty."