Have you lost a family member to homicide?

CMN invites you to join our Roster of Murder Victims' Family Members

Those who have been personally impacted by murder and violent crime are some of the most powerful voices calling for an end to the death penalty and promoting restorative justice today.

CMN deeply values the witness of these impacted persons, and strives to amplify their courageous stories of resilience, dignity, and hope.

If you have lost a loved one to murder, we invite you to join our Roster of Murder Victims’ Family Members. Those who place their name on this roster can opt in to being contacted by a member of CMN’s staff to share more of their story and experience. 



"I don't believe in the death penalty. Killing [my sister's] killer wouldn't bring her back; it wouldn't honor her memory. It would only dig another grave and shed more blood and create another grieving family." - Jeanne Bishop, "So There May Be One Less Grieving Family"