In the Fall of 2021, Pope Francis announced the historic Synod on Synodality — a journey for the global Church which is rooted in listening and dialogue. Immediately, it was clear that this model was integrally connected to the practices and principles of restorative justice. That remains true as we enter the third year of the process.
Recently, the Georgetown Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life hosted an event titled, "The Francis Factor at 11 Years: The Synod, Lay Leadership, and the Social Mission of the Church." The event celebrated the 11th anniversary of Pope Francis' papacy, and provided an opportunity to discuss two particular themes of the Synod: lay leadership and the social mission of the Church.
Catholic Mobilizing Network's Executive Director, Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy, was among the panelists for this event. She offered a perspective on the lessons restorative justice can lend to the synodal approach, and how this journey of the Church calls us to honor human dignity.
"We believe that restorative justice helps us be better Catholics. It helps us with a framework for engaging woundedness with everyone who's involved," she said.
Watch: Event Recording
Read: Georgetown University panel examines Pope Francis’ call for synodality

Plus: Georgetown organizes synodal laboratory for lay US church leaders