The death penalty has been in the news a lot these past weeks! Here is a quick summary of some of the most recent state updates to keep you informed:
Louisiana: In April, legislation was introduced that would repeal the death penalty. Despite the bill passing in the Senate, it ultimately failed to gain enough support in the House and did not pass. While the effort to repeal the death penalty was unsuccessful, many Louisianans raised their voices in support of the effort, and the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops released a strong statement lifting up the sanctity of all life. Take action and tell your Legislators that you want the death penalty to end in Louisiana!
Delaware: In May, Delaware elected officials began work to reinstate the death penalty. The proposed bill has made it through the House and now waits for Senate leadership to schedule the bill. If this happens, Delaware Citizens Opposed to the Death Penalty and its broad coalition of partners stand ready to oppose the death penalty. In early May, Bishop Malooly came out strongly against bringing back the death penalty. CMN calls on all Delaware residents to take action now to keep Delaware death penalty free!
Alabama: On May 25th Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed into law a bill that shortens the state death penalty appeals process. Ironically named the "Fair Justice Act," many worry this bill will likely result in more injustice and further brokenness in Alabama's death penalty. By placing time limits on how long death row prisoners have to prove their innocence or a wrongful conviction, this legislation increases the risk of executing innocent people as well as those who received improper or poor counsel. Take action in Alabama and raise your voice for life by getting involved and contacting your elected officials!
California: On June 6th the California Supreme Court began hearing arguments on the constitutionality of Proposition 66, the voter-passed initiative to speed up executions. Narrowly approved by 51 percent of the voters in November 2016, Proposition 66 requires that all appeals and legal challenges to a death sentence in California state courts be completed within five years. Since all death penalty cases have to go straight from the trial court to the California Supreme Court, Proposition 66 has the potential to severely hinder the ability of the California Supreme Court to properly perform it's functions. A more glaring fact is that California will risk executing innocent life. Stay up to date as the constitutionality of Proposition 66 is debated by getting involved with a local organization and becoming an advocate for life!
Watch for more updates and information as CMN continues to work hard to amplify the dignity of all life!